Stress refers to the body’s reaction to a challenge or demand.

Nursing in general, especially nursing school, can be very stressful. There are always deadlines to meet, exams to write, books to study, clinical postings, and personal life calling for your attention, among many others. These activities can make one stressed and always tired.

To manage stress and perform maximally, you must be ready to take the necessary steps that will help you remain sane and functional even in a stressful environment.

Below are five (5) carefully curated tips that would help you, either as a nursing student or a graduate nurse to relieve stress. These tips include:

Tip 1. Have a schedule: The first step to overcoming stress is to have a workable and flexible schedule. Having one that includes all the important and urgent activities you want to engage in for a certain period is crucial. It would certainly help you to curb distractions and remain focused.

Tip 2. Exercise regularly: Exercising regularly should be your top priority. Set time aside to jog, take a walk, or go to the gym. It could be for 20-30 minutes every day, or however long you want, depending on your schedule. This would help you to relax your body and your mind.

Tip 3. Eat healthy meals always: Many students rely on junk and take-out food instead of eating a balanced diet. They consider it quicker and easier. Eating healthy meals will always put you in a good mood. Instead of junk, eat regular, well-balanced meals with fruits and vegetables.

Tip 4. Set time aside to relax: We live in a busy world and everyone seems to always be on the move. Instead of always being here and there, set time aside to relax. Studies have proven that relaxation helps the body and mind to be settled. It also improves your level of focus.

Tip 5. Learn to say ‘no’: Do not accept the responsibility to carry out tasks that you would not be able to complete. Always know when to say ‘no’, especially when you won’t be able to meet the required expectations.

In summary, to overcome stress, set realistic goals, prioritize tasks, eat healthy meals, take breaks, and exercise regularly.

I hope these tips help you manage stress effectively.

Written By: Joyce Banjo

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